TFT 2.8 Inch Touch Screen Display Module For Raspberry Pi
80,00 ₪
The 2.8 inch TFT LCD module is a special design for Raspberry Pi for portable application. It
features a 2.8” display with 320×240 16bit color pixels and resistive touch screen. The LCD is
well mated with Pi board and interface with Pi via the high speed SPI port, and support
console, X windows, displaying images or video etc. It also provides 4 press buttons for user
defined functions.
2.8” inch TFT LCD screen?
Resistive touch panel
4 user defined press buttons
Well mate with Raspberry Pi Model A/B board
FBTFT graphic library support
Both command console and X window support
Type TFT
SPI Interface
Touch panel control chip XPT2046
Levels Index 65536
LED backlight
Resolution of 320×240 (Pixel)
Size ratio 4:3
Power consumption TBD
Backlight current TBD
Operating Temperature TBD